CC Jr. Saints relies heavily on our dedicated volunteers to help the program run smoothly. From serving on the board, coaching, team coordinator roles and game day opportunities, we appreciate the time that everyone shares with our organization.
Game Day Volunteers
Volunteers are needed for all squads at home game and ONLY A, B, C squads for away games.
Set-Up Crew
Task(s): Arrive approx. 1 hour prior to the flag game (Flag starts at 9:00 am) to assist in setting up the field and concession stand.
Scorekeeper (1 per game)
Task(s): Keep the score and run the play clock.
Announcer (1 per game)
Task(s): Announce minimal plays, touchdowns, make announcements regarding concessions etc.
Concessions (2 per game)
Task(s): Assist in the sale and replenishment of snacks and drinks.
Chain Crew (3 per game - Away Game)
Task(s): "Run" the chains for the game as the play moves.
Monitor (1 per game -Home and Away)
Task(s): Monitors the plays of the away team.
Garbage (1 per game)
Task: Assist in gathering the garbage bags (after each game)
Raffle Ticket Sales (1 per game)
Task: Walking through the crowd, on home and away sides, sell 50/50 raffle tickets.
For all volunteer positions listed above, please arrive 15 minutes prior to the game you have signed up for. if you are unsure of where to go... report to the announcer booth and a member of our board will get you pointed in the right direction.
Each team/squad has one designated "Team Parent." The "Team Parent" is a vital part to ensuring that the overall functioning of our squads are successful.
The "Team Parent" is helpful in communicating information to our squads and their families. The "Team Parent" is the point person for paperwork, coordination of various tasks and the "Go To" for most questions.
Each squad has multiple coaches that work collaboratively to ensure the athletes are safe, learning, but most of all having fun. Background checks and trainings are required. In regard of time commitment, coaching is significant. The month of August each squad (both cheer and football) practice Monday - Thursday in the evening and some squads also practice Saturday morning. Once school begins, practices are two evenings per week, Saturday morning and games on Sunday. Cheer has additional competitions throughout the season as well.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If you are interested in Coaching or becoming a Board Member please complete the Volunteer form at the link below.
Churchville Chili Jr Saints Board & Coach Application - Google Forms
team parent
If you have any questions regarding Game Day Volunteering, please contact Catherine Marchner on Team Snap or send an email to ccjrsaints@gmail.com